LGBTQ+ people in New Hampshire experiencing ‘severe’ food insecurity
A recent study conducted by professors at the University of New Hampshire in partnership with UCLA Law School's Williams Institute finds that many LGBTQ+ Granite Staters are experiencing "severe" food insecurity or...
New Gallup poll finds 7.1 percent of adults in the US identify as LGBTQ+
A new Gallup poll found the number of LGBTQ+ adults in the United States has doubled since 2012 and now stands at 7.1 percent of the US population.
Brown University newspaper reports 38% of students identify as not straight
A recent report in The Brown Daily Herald, Brown University's student newspaper, reported that 38 percent of the Providence, Rhode Island's Ivy League student body identify as other than "straight."
‘Out on the Trail’ report shows 14.1 percent increase in LGBTQ+ candidates
In their 2024 "Out on the Trail" report, released in late October, the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund revealed new data showing that LGBTQ+ candidates continue to grow in diversity and make gains in...
Vermont has seventh highest number of LGBTQ people in United States
A recent survey from the Williams Institute at the University of California — a leading research center on sexual orientation and gender ID law and public policy — finds Vermont is the...
New report: Legal protections for LGBTQ+ people increase worldwide
Despite the backlash currently threatening LGBTQ+ people in the United States, a new report from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law indicates significant progress in the number of countries with...
Majority of US adults oppose using religious beliefs against LGBTQ+ people
A recent study by researchers at The Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law and Chicago University finds that more than 70 percent of American adults oppose using religious beliefs as a...
Massachusetts ties for third in country in number of same-sex ‘households’
According to just-released figures from the US Census Bureau, Massachusetts has the third highest number of same-sex couples living together in the country, tying with Oregon at 1.2 percent.