GLAD Law: No kids should be denied the important life lessons that come from...

For many young people, school sports instill important life lessons of leadership, confidence, sportsmanship and perseverance, in addition to what it means to be part of a team. These lessons are important...

US Rep. Moulton (MA) faces backlash for anti-trans comments after election

US Congressman Seth Moulton (Massachusetts 6th Congressional District) is "taking heat" for making post-election comments against transgender athletes participating in school sports. One of Moulton's top aides, Matt...

Mass. Transgender Political Coalition offers Know Your Rights election guide

The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) has developed a Know Your Rights guide to voting in Massachusetts ahead of the federal and state elections on Tuesday, November 5. Trans,...

Parents sue NH school district that stopped anti-trans protest at soccer match

Four parents who protested the court-ordered inclusion of a transgender student athlete at a New Hampshire high school girls' soccer match are suing the school district for shutting them down. The parents...

Massachusetts schools respond to anti-LGBTQ+ group’s federal lawsuit ruling against trans protections in Bay...

Over the summer, the anti-LGBTQ+ group Moms for Liberty brought on a federal lawsuit in Kansas aimed at blocking protections for transgender students in 2,000 schools across the US, including 32 elementary,...

Northampton, MA considers transgender sanctuary city status

Northampton, Massachusetts City Councilors Rachel Maiore and Deborah Klemer have introduced a resolution to deem Northampton a sanctuary city for gender-affirming and reproductive health care, according to a recent report on

Moms for Liberty federal lawsuit aims to bring more challenges to trans students at...

Over the summer, the anti-LGBTQ+ group Moms for Liberty brought on a federal lawsuit in Kansas aimed at blocking protections for transgender students in 2,000 schools across the US, including 32 schools...

Health clinic in Barre, Vermont now offering free gender-affirming services

The People's Health & Wellness Clinic in Barre, Vermont, is partnering with the Rainbow Bridge Community Center to launch free gender-affirming care services to all residents age 18 and older.

Federal court blocks enforcement of trans sports ban against NH students

A federal court issued an order today blocking enforcement of a New Hampshire law that bans transgender girls from playing on school sports teams, against plaintiffs Parker Tirrell and Iris Turmelle while...

NH attorney general urges SCOTUS to uphold West Va. law barring trans girls from...

New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella has signed onto an amicus brief with 25 other attorneys general calling on the US Supreme Court to reverse a recent appeals court ruling in favor...