Sign of the times: Massachusetts candidates observe marriage equality anniversary
We thought we’d put together an informal poll of what electeds who are up for re-election and candidates for the top state-wide and Congressional offices did to celebrate the 10th anniversary of gay marriage.
What Is A Governor To Do?
It was announced today that for his 8th time marching in the Boston Pride Parade, Governor Deval Patrick will be parades Grand Marshall. Patrick is a natural choice for the honor.
Coakley Gets MassEquality Nod, But Who’s Winning the Power Gay Primary?
As statewide LGBT organizations go, it’s hard to match MassEquality’s storied reputation. Marriage equality in Massachusetts was born of the judiciary ten years ago this month, but in its infancy, MassEquality reared it in a toxic anti-equality national political environment amid efforts at home to amend our state constitution to deny lesbian and gay folks the right to marry.
MassEquality spearheaded an effective grassroots campaign apparatus aimed at protecting elected officials and candidates who stood with us and defeating those who did not. The political air cover MassEquality and other LGBT groups provided allowed pro-equality lawmakers to stand up to the conservative coalition bent on stuffing out the early flames of marriage equality.
Mike Michaud: The Maine Gay Guy
If Mike Michaud hangs on to his lead in the polls, he could become the nation’s first openly gay person to be elected to a governorship, making him arguably the most powerful out politician...
JFK’s Gay Best Friend
Fifty years ago this month, on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, Lem Billings had just returned from lunch when he heard the news. He was an advertising executive at Lennen and Newell in New York and as he approached his office building at 380 Madison Avenue, Billings saw immediately that something was wrong. Waves of people rolled out of the building onto the street, some looked confused, others wept. According to David Pitts, author of Jack and Lem: The Untold Story of an Extraordinary Friendship, a face in the crowd approached Billings and said, “I’m so sorry about the president.”
Boston Mayor’s Race: Then and Now
For the first time in years, a troop of Boston mayoral candidates sift city neighborhoods for votes. At T stops and in coffee shops candidates reach for every hand, seeking just enough votes to lift them into the final when the bulky field shrinks to a two-person runoff. It’s hard work. After so many years with the same mayor, Bostonians are not used to choosing from such a large field. For the longest time, it was either the Mayor or the fly in the ointment. And the mayor won, no problem.