Rising high school juniors and seniors still have a chance to join the biennial Studio Art Weekend at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts from September 20 through 22.
Started in 2019, this event is a collaboration between OUT Maine (an LGBTQIA2S+* youth organization) and Haystack. The weekend brings young artists and crafters from all over the state to attend workshops from well-known LGBTQIA2S+ crafters. Enrollment is open to all juniors and seniors interested in art or crafting.
The workshops will include blacksmithing, clay, fiber, graphics, metal, wood, and new this year is digital fabrication or “Fab Lab.”
“We opened registration in the spring,” says OUT Maine’s Program Operations Coordinator Tara Barker, “but since there are still spots remaining we are accepting registrations into the summer. Parents shouldn’t worry about the cost because we offer scholarships of up to 100% of the registration fee for anyone who needs it. We want all interested youth to be able to attend!”
Transportation is also provided from “bus stop” locations selected after enrollment closes. In 2022 the bus stops were in Portland, Augusta, and Bangor.
“This is a great opportunity,” says OUT Maine’s Development Coordinator, Rachel Albury, “I attended the first two events and would have loved to have had this opportunity in high school. There’s a lot of freedom for the students to experiment with their medium and be creative, and the instructors are amazing!”
Parents can learn more and enroll their teens in the weekend on the OUT Maine website: https://www.outmaine.org/programs/youth/studio-art-weekend/
—from an OUT Maine press release
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