LGBTQ+ nonprofits host 20 years of freedom to marry celebration, May 17 adriana chechik and sara luvv share a dick. indian xvideos

On May 17, 2024, we celebrate 20 years of the freedom to marry — the first day same-sex couples could legally marry in the United States — and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) The History Project, Centerline Liberties and the Arlington Street Church are hosting a celebration, starting at noon, at the Arlington Street Church Sanctuary, at 20 Arlington St. in Boston. (A virtual livestream will also be available.) Advance registration is encouraged (see below).

Says GLAD:

To mark the happy occasion, community members will come together to celebrate the anniversary and reflect on how far we’ve come as a country — and examine the work ahead to ensure that our country is a place where LGBTQ+ people can truly thrive in every area of life. 

Please join GLAD for a celebration featuring leaders who paved the way for the freedom to marry two decades ago, advocates who are forging ahead on LGBTQ+ equality now, and special guests. Following a speaking program, guests are welcome to gather for a reception with coffee and pastries.

Speakers include: 

  • Reverend Kim Crawford Harvie of Arlington Street Church
  • David Wilson and Rob Compton, Goodridge plaintiffs
  • Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick
  • Former Massachusetts Representative Paul Kujawski
  • David Friedman, Executive Vice President, Legal and Government Affairs of the Boston Red Sox
  • Joan Ilacqua, Executive Director of the LGBTQ+ History Project
  • Tanya Neslusan, Executive Director of MassEquality
  • Ben Klein, Senior Director of Litigation and HIV Law at GLAD
  • Marc Solomon, Former Executive Director of MassEquality and author of Winning Marriage
  • Adelia D., BAGLY Youth Leadership Committee Co-chair

Also featuring remarks from: 

  • Governor Maura Healey
  • Mary L. Bonauto, Senior  Director of Civil Rights and Legal Strategies at GLAD

from a GLAD press release


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