Neo-Nazis disrupt story hour in Concord, NH; drag queen ‘unfazed’

Photo Juicy Garland/Twitter

Drag queen Juicy Garland carried on through her story hour at the Teetotaler café in Concord, New Hampshire, despite a group of “masked protestors chanting and raising their arms in a Nazi salute,” according to


Drag queen Juicy Garland posted a video on Twitter showing a group of people in masks outside Teatotaller, a cafe in Concord, doing what appears to be a Hitler salute. 

“We’ve got some verified Nazis today! Golly, I didn’t order those,” she tweeted.

Protestors can also be heard chanting in the video, and one of them bangs on the glass. Juicy Garland, who is identified by stage name, did not respond to request for comment, but tweeted, “we prevailed and had a great time with the families anyways.”

The group has identified itself as the Nationalist Social Club of Massachusetts, or NSC-131

Emmett Soldati, Teatotaller’s owner, told in an email that the cafe is “proud to be NH’s queer hipster oasis,” offering popular events including drag shows and the drag story hour.

“For the last decade, we’ve hosted events for all ages that have been embraced by the Seacoast and now our Concord community,” he wrote. “These events provide fun, safe, and educational experiences for everyone as well as opportunities for local drag performers.”

Activity from hate groups emerged recently, Soldati added, saying they have “disrupted events to gain clout.” But Teatoteller has no plans of stopping its events.

“They have not and will not deter us from continuing to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all Granite Staters to be proud of and recognize they belong here,” he wrote. “The community support makes us stronger. We look forward to seeing folks at our next show!”

Prior to this incident, the group came under fire from the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office for trespassing and hanging a sign that said “Keep New England White” on a bridge in Portsmouth. However, the group avoided charges.

Now, the AG’s Office is investigating the Sunday protest.

“Our Civil Rights Unit is certainly aware of this incident and is actively working with Concord Police and our law enforcement partners to look into it further,” a spokesperson told over email. “Anyone who has information about the identities of the participants is encouraged to contact the Concord Police Department or the Attorney General’s Office.”

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