Mass. Commission on LGBTQ Youth condemns Texas governor’s attack on trans, nonbinary kids and their families

Massachusetts State House. Photo Wikimedia Commons

In a recent press release, the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth “unequivocally condemns Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s politically motivated attack on transgender, nonbinary and gender-expansive children and their families.”

This comes just before a Texas court ruled against Abbott’s order for state officials to consider medically approved treatments for trans youth as a form of child abuse. The order then called for parents of these kids to be investigated for child abuse.

States the release from the Mass. Commission:

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), whose mission is “to protect the unprotected,” is being egregiously weaponized to tear families apart and deny young people across Texas access to medically-recommended and life-saving healthcare. Abbott’s heinous threat of removal of transgender youth from loving, supportive homes is causing irreversible damage to youth and families. 

“In the face of state-sponsored division and family destruction from Texas, the Commission responds with state-sponsored love: the Commonwealth of Massachusetts stands now and always with transgender and non-binary youth and their supportive parents, caregivers and providers,” said Commission co-chair Roger Bourgeois. 

It is unacceptable for state officials tasked with protecting constituents to target an already marginalized and vulnerable population under the pretense of concern for their well-being.”

The Commission calls upon all Massachusetts officials and entities to stand in solidarity with transgender youth and their caregivers, and to commit to taking significant, measurable, and meaningful actions to dismantle discrimination and inequity based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

Read the complete press release here.

Founded in 1992, the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth was established by law as an independent state agency to recommend and advocate to all branches of state government effective policies, programs and resources for LGBTQ youth to thrive. It was the first such agency in the United States.

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