Boston’s premiere holiday toys drive, Toys4Joys, is celebrating its 10th annual Gift Gala this Friday, December 7. The shindig takes place again this year from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at The Revere Hotel, 200 Stuart St, Boston. (Parking is available in the garage and parking tickets can also be purchased in advance.)
And once again, T4J promises to transform the hall into a beautiful, festive holiday wonderland, where revelers full of the spirit of the season and loaded with presents for kids in need pile thousands of donated toys high under a holiday tree. Guests and volunteers enjoy passed hors d’oeuvres, signature seasonal spirits and dancing under a state-of-the-art light show.
All Guests are asked to bring a minimum of 3 new and unwrapped toys to the gala, one for each age group: tots, tweens and teens. T4J also requests that if your last name begins with A–M, please purchase toys for a boy, and N–Z for a girl.
Suggested attire is “holiday, dressy festive, and fun.”
Click here for tickets, and more details.
Toys4Joys started as a home party in 2002 with a simple understanding that toys provide joy to children. Its mission is at once pretty simple with enormous possibilities: “For too many children, the holiday season is not a time of giddy anticipation, indulgent parties and generous gift giving. While a new toy will not fix every problem, we believe it can change a child’s perspective. What starts as a smile and a silly laugh can lead to a positive, more hopeful outlook. And, from that more joyful place, the possibilities are endless.”
That simple party has grown into one of the most anticipated holiday events on the LGBTQA calendar year.
So don’t forget your toys … and prepare to share some big holiday joy!