Salem State University | Salem | March 17, 2017 | Photos Keanu Burke
The sixth annual “LGBT Elders in an Ever Changing World” drew 180 social service and health care professionals, students and older adults attending 17 breakout session. This one-day ​event ​focused ​on ​interdisciplinary ​practice ​and ​policy ​for ​working ​with LGBT ​older ​adults ​and ​caregivers. The sessions featured presentations by top qualified experts in social work, medicine, law and just about everthing in between. Speakers included Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll and Paul Lanzikos, executive director at North Shore Elder Services, and Kate ​and ​Linda ​Rohr shared an amazing personal story in the keynote: Kate ​is ​a ​practicing ​physician ​and ​transgender ​woman ​who ​waited ​until ​she ​was ​67 ​to ​come ​out ​and ​have ​gender ​affirmation ​surgery ​at ​70 ​with ​the ​support ​of ​her ​wife ​Linda. ​Partnering to sponser this year’s event were North Shore Elder Services, Salem State University, CareDimensions, AARP Massachusetts and Tufts Health Plan. Plans for next year’s event, slated for March 16, 2018, are already underway.