Looking to get involved in the awesome LGBT theater community we all know (and love) as The Theater Offensive? Or want to just get together with fun people doing fun things for a fun night out?
A free “Theater Games Exchange” night, open to everyone and held Thursday, January 14, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Northeastern Crossing 1175 Tremont Street, in Boston, is the latest event to be hosted by the 25-year old group known for its neighborhood social gatherings, workshops, public conversations and, of course, fabulous theatrical productions.
To attend, be sure to RSVP since coordinators need to plan how many participants will play and/or spectate — it’s your call: “Participants do not have to share a game to take part. Just come prepared to improvise, move around, and have fun!” notes the group’s e-vite.
Whether or not you can make it out for games night, Theater Offense wants everyone to know about its mission:
“to present the diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender lives in art so bold it breaks through personal isolation, challenges the status quo, and builds thriving communities. … Our work provokes vibrant discussion about the realities of being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. Through neighborhood social gatherings, workshops, performances and open discussions, the Theater Offensive transcends traditional theater boundaries and opens new avenues of understanding, awareness and inclusion.”
To find out more about the Theater Offensive’s programs, activities, and productions visit this awesome group’s awesome website or send an email to office@thetheateroffensive.org. And let the fun and games begin!