It’s almost sold out but online registration runs right up until midnight on January 15 for one of the largest annual transgender conferences in the country — 2016 First Event, which takes over all 17 conference rooms, social gathering spaces, and guest rooms at the Westin Hotel in Waltham from Wednesday, January 20, through Sunday, January 24.
To register, just go to the event registration web page. (Those missing the deadline or having other issues making a reservation should email Andrea at andreaziff@aol.com, who’s there to help out. And there are even a limited number of scholarships available for those who may not otherwise be able to attend.)
This family-friendly event opens with the popular Tiffany’s Closet, where participants can find everything from affordably priced entire outfits to that perfect accessory. The line-up of activities includes workshops on everything that covers the mind, body and soul; youth and kids programs; grown-up meet and greets; a restaurant excursion night; a formal black-tie affair; dance parties; lots of informal gatherings; a fashion show; a cowboy fireside sing-a-long; a poetry slam; special screenings; and lots of other fun and educational stuff to do for everyone, including spouses and families. This is one great big scene where there’s truly something for everyone.
There’s also a big brother/big sister program that pairs newcomers with with “old hands” to encourage, advise, and otherwise offer support.
As the organizers say, 2016 First Event is truly the place where everyone in the trans community can: “Make new friends. Catch up with old ones. Explore your identity. Plan your future. Learn new skills. Or just plain party! Come out of the closet and enjoy being in a warm and accepting environment.”
To find even more information than what’s on the event’s thoroughly info-packed website (including its Frequently Asked Questions page), sent and email to info@firstevent.org.