Florida’s first legally married gay men to attend U.S. State of the Union Speech Tonight

The first two legally married gay men in the Sunshine State got a surprise invitation to attend President Barak Obama’s State of the Union speech tonight, Tuesday, Jan. 20, at 9 p.m. (EST). Newlyweds Jeff and Todd Delmay and their 4-year-old-son Blake were busy moving in together when their congresswoman, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, called to invite them to join her as their guests.

A recent Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Sun-Sentinel article went on to describe that:

Jeff and Todd Delmay were among six same-sex couples who sued Miami-Dade County for the right to get married. The judge in their suit allowed same-sex marriage to go forward a day ahead of the rest of the state, and the Delmays were second in line to get married in Miami-Dade, right behind Cathy Pareto and Karla Arguello, another couple from the lawsuit.

The Delmays have a tight schedule. After they drop Blake off at a friend’s home Tuesday morning, they take a plane to D.C., meet the congresswoman, hit a few locations in the capital, and get to the speech before its 9 p.m. start.

Marriage equality became the law of the land in Florida earlier this month after a U.S. district court ruled the state’s same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional in August 2014.